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Complex Multivalent Systems are our Strength

Complex multivalent heating and cooling systems are our business.
Together with our partners ENERPLAN and Zortström we build heating and cooling power stations of all sizes.
Experience is everything! Whether it is the construction of new systems or the modification of existing systems - we build up the components "off-site" as far as possible in advance and therefore minimising the installation effort on the construction site. Therefore, errors can be found and eliminated even before installation.
ENERPLAN developes 2D and 3D plans according to the relevant BIM standard and makes all relevant calculations. Zortström calculates, designs and manufactures hydraulic distributors which optimise energy storage and distribution.
We deliver systems in steel, stainless steel and plastic, we check and fill the system and commission our installations. Some customers require an operating contract, which we are happy to offer.
Since we deliver turnkey systems, you as a customer only have one contact; interfaces are eliminated or considerably simplified.
We exclusively use quality components from branded manufacturers and not cheap imports from the Far East.
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